NRA Instructor Training
Imminent Threat Defense is the only training facility in the area that can provide NRA Instructor certification in all firearm types at all levels. We are be able to provide instructor certification in pistol, rifle and shotgun for certification from Basic through Personal Protection Outside the Home. These classes are small and exclusive, contact us directly for schedules and availability.
Reality Based Training
Also known as Force on Force training this is the ultimate training experience in close quarters self defense! Using state of the art FX® marking cartridge system and converted service firearms this training introduces you the high stress environment of a deadly force situation. No other training comes close to the realism of these courses. This replicates the critical decision making and 3D environment that will be so important to your survival in real life encounters. Generally only available to the military and law enforcement, Imminent Threat Defense now offers this training. These classes will be small and exclusive, contact us directly for schedules and availability.