ALWAYS Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
ALWAYS Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
ALWAYS Keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
Calling Cease Fire: Any person who observes an unsafe situation should loudly exclaim “CEASE FIRE”. If you hear someone call cease fire, stop shooting immediately, repeat the call, assume the low ready position with your finger off the trigger and follow commands from the instructor.
All persons will follow the commands of the instructor
Firearms may only be removed from the carry case under the supervision of the Instructor.
Firearms may only be manipulated i.e. shooting, aiming, inspecting, reloading or otherwise handled, when 1) on the firing line and 2) at the specific command of the Instructor. At all other times pistols shall remain in the holster or on the tables.
When firearms are being manipulated the muzzle will be pointed in a safe direction down range at all times.
No one may manipulate a firearm when anyone is down range.
When firearms are being manipulated the shooter will remain upright and face down range at all times. If you drop anything, do not attempt to pick it up until expressly permitted by the instructor.
If you have any type of misfire or malfunction assume the low ready position, keep the firearm pointed downrange with your finger off the trigger and signal the instructor.
All firearms must be inspected by the instructor and found to be in good working order to be used on the range.
Violation of any of these rules may result in dismissal from the class
Download PDF click here
- No ammunition permitted in the classroom: All ammunition (including boxed ammunition, ammunition in magazines/speed loaders) must remain outside of the classroom. All ammunition should be stored in a secure portion of vehicle. Do not enter the classroom with ammunition.
- A student with a physical condition potentially affecting his/her safety, or the safety of others, during live exercises (fainting, dizziness, pregnancy, medication causing drowsiness, etc) must inform the instructor prior to the course. All information will be held strictly confidential and is requested for your safety and the safety of others.
- No alcohol, tobacco or other drugs (prescription or non-prescription) are permitted on the range.
- Properly executed Hold Harmless Agreement
- Course registration form, Course payment
- Legible photocopy of government identification (passport, driver license, military ID)
- Legible photocopy of your FOID card
- Two (2) Pens, Two (2) pencils, one (1) highlighter, notepad
REQUIRED ITEMS – RANGE, Concealed Carry Class Download PDF click here
- Pistol, that you are familiar with, with owner’s manual, well maintained and fully operational, stored in case – recommended a full size frame in minimum caliber .38 for revolver; 9x19mm for semi-automatic NOTE: Do not bring a subcompact pistol without special premission.
- Strong Side Hip Holster (outside the waist band) on a “gun belt” fitted for pistol above NOTE Do not use an inside the waist band holster.
- Eye Protection, Ear Protection, and Baseball Style Cap - Safety glasses must be of the wrap around type or employ side panels. Ear plugs or ear muffs (preferred), and a baseball cap with bill to deflect ejected brass must also be worn.
- 250 rounds of practice ammunition: new in manufacturer’s box – no reloads
- Cover garment (jacket, vest, coat, etc.).
- Appropriate clothing - Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the range exercises consistent with prevailing weather conditions. Range exercises will be conducted in inclement weather unless a safety hazard exists. NOTE: Clothing should include long pants and closed toe shoes.
- Knee pads.
- Two fully functional magazines for your semi-automatic pistol, or two fully functional speed loaders for your revolver.
REQUIRED ITEMS – RANGE, Basic Pistol Class Download PDF click here
- Pistol, that you are familiar with, with owner’s manual, well maintained and fully operational, stored in case NOTE: Do not bring a subcompact pistol without special permission.
- Eye Protection, Ear Protection, and Baseball Style Cap - Safety glasses must be of the wrap around type or employ side panels. Ear plugs or ear muffs (preferred), and a baseball cap with bill to deflect ejected brass must also be worn.
- 100 rounds of practice ammunition: new in manufacturer’s box – no reloads
- Appropriate Clothing - Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the range exercises consistent with prevailing weather conditions. Range exercises will be conducted in inclement weather unless a safety hazard exists. NOTE: Clothing should include long pants and closed toe shoes.
- Two fully functional magazines for your semi-automatic pistol, or Two fully functional speed loaders for your revolver.
The following references to the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) should be reviewed regularly for changes. During our classes you will receive a condensed easy to ready, with important highlights and explanations, version of each of these key legal references.
The Firearm Concealed Carry Act
This is where you will find the laws specific to carry concealed in Illinois, specifically your eligibility requirements (section 25) and the prohibited areas (section 65). Remember the law can change, keep up to date on those prohibited areas. full act
UPDATE! A recent change to Section 10 (h). Providing your Concealed Carry Permit now meets the requirement for disclosure to a law enforcement officer that you are carrying a concealed firearm. A new section 10 (h-1) now allows law enforcement and emergency services personnel to temporary take and hold your firearm during any contact with those personnel. And Section 65 (b) no longer requires you to unload your pistol when outside the pistol for the purposes of storing it in the trunk of your car in a prohibited parking area.
The Firearms Owner Identification Act
The FOID act covers the requirement for your FOID registration as well as laws about the sale or transfer of firearms. full act
The Unlawful Use of Weapons section
The UUW covers the general laws for the possession and use of firearms and other weapons. full act
The Justifiable Use of Force Articles
Here you can read about exemptions for the use of deadly force. full act
Our classes are held in the Decatur Illinois area. For private classes we can bring the classroom to you.
Next Classes are scheduled;
Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal $95 per person
Next Class -
Thursday December 5th, 5:00pm - 9:00pm
(Taken a class from us before? Ask about the Alumni discount)
Get your renewal training completed early. Renewal training certificates (currently) do not expire, even if you don't need it for a year or two you can take the training now.
Illinois Concealed Carry and NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home - Decatur IL
This class meets the requirements for Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal.
Next Class -
December 9 & 12, 4:00pm to 8 pm, December 14, 8a.m. - 5p.m.
Scheduling based on demand. Call if you are interested.
Defensive Pistol Operator - Decatur IL
Call for availability
Defensive Rifle Operator - Decatur IL
Contact us if interested
Defensive Shotgun Operator - Decatur IL
Contact us if interested
Due to my employment at Macon County Law Enforcement Training Center as a Firearms Instructor, most class offerings will be limited to private classes.
If you have at least 3 people in your group we can schedule a private class to meet your needs.
Also available
NRA Instructor Certification Classes
Force on Force Training
Attended one of our classes before? Don't forget to ask about alumni discount.
Take care of your firearm and your firearm will take care of you. You depend on your firearm to perform when your life is on the line, don’t do that without a regular inspection and maintenance.
A factory certified Armorer, is specially trained to inspect and repair your firearms. With access to factory experts, OEM parts and special tools, only an Armorer has the skills and knowledge to work on your guns.
We can provide a variety of service for your firearms;
Routine Maintenance and Inspection
With special tools and cleaning equipment an Armorer can check for worn parts, deep clean, properly lubricate and stay ahead of any problems. When was the last time your pistol was checked out by an expert? All manufacturer's specify an armorer level inspection on a regular basis, some say annually. It's one thing if your firearm breaks down when you are on the range, but can you afford not to have it in tip top shape for self defense?
Remember if your gun breaks down in a gun fight, you'll have the rest of your life to wish you took better care of it.
Service Program for Glocks Learn more
Modifications and Upgrades
Thinking about night sights or perhaps an ambidextrous safety? Remember it takes an Armorer to know what’s best for your gun and how to install the parts correctly.
Problem Solutions
Having malfunction problems? Don’t go to a blog, go to a factory certified Armorer. We’ve seen most problems and if we haven’t, we have access factory experts who can help.
Armorer Videos
A variety of video training modules for people interested in learning about Armorer work. Click here